
Dedicated app


Graphs of power generation amount - "Light Level" screen

You can see the record of power generation amount of the watch in a line graph on the "Light Level" screen.
Hourly power generation amount of the day is indicated in a line graph when you move the slider on the top of the screen to "Day" or "Week".

When you move the slider to "Month", daily power generation amount is indicated in a line graph and weekly amount in horizontal bar graphs.


At the "Week" screen, the slider for selecting the last 7 days also appears.

"Day": a line graph of hourly power generation amount of the current day

"Week": line graphs of hourly power generation amount of a day of last 7 days

On this screen, graphs of the 15th - 21st days of the month are indicated and selectable, and the graph of the 21st is highlighted.

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