Can we maximise ease of use and minimise environmental impact?

Digital instruction manuals

More practical. Less waste.

Instruction manuals for watches are chunky, closely printed booklets. No matter how compact you make manuals, it seems that no one really likes carrying them around. The result? They’re often not much use if people have an issue with their watch when away from home.

Convenient and eco-friendly

Can we make instruction manuals that people can consult easily wherever they are? Can we make them paperless? Can we make them universally accessible all the time? These were the questions that that prompted us to create digital instruction manuals for all our products in nine different languages. All you need to access them is an Internet connection. Since they can be produced and updated without paper, printing or transport, overall carbon dioxide emissions go down. It may seem like a small step, but the long-term impact is significant.

Sustainability Initiatives

Reaching around the globe.
Reaching into the future.